A Hausdorff space $X$ is said to be compact, if every open cover of $X$ contains a finite subcover. A Hausdorff space $X$ is said to be a Lindelöf space, if every open cover contains a countable subcover.
A Hausdorff space with countable basis is a Lindelöf space.
Let $X$ be a regular Lindelöf space. Then for every open cover $(U_\a)$, $\a\in I$, we can find a locally finite countable subcover $W_k$, such that every $W_k$ is contained in some $U_\a$. Moreover $X$ is normal.
A Hausdorff space $X$ is compact if and only if every family $A_\a$ of closed, nonempty subsets with the property that each finite subfamily has non-empty intersection (this is called the finite intersection property), has non-empty intersection.
For a Hausdorff space $X$ the following assertions are equivalent: 1. $X$ is compact. 2. Every filter on $X$ has an accumulation point. 3. For every filter on $X$ there is a finer filter, which converges. 4. Every ultra filter on $X$ converges.
Suppose $A,B$ are compact and disjoint subsets of a Hausdorff space $X$. Then there exist open, disjoint neighborhoods $U$ and $V$, such that $A\sbe U$ und $B\sbe V$. In particular: every compact space is normal.
1. Every compact subset of a Hausdorff space is closed. 2. Every closed subset $A$ of a compact space is compact.
Let $X,Y$ be Hausdorff and $f:X\rar Y$ continuous. If $X$ is compact, then $f(X)$ is compact.
Suppose $X$ is compact, $Y$ Hausdorff and $f:X\rar Y$ any mapping. 1. If $f$ is continuous and bijectiv, then $f$ is a homeomorphism. 2. $f$ is continuous if and only if its graph $\G(f)$ is compact.
Suppose $X$ is compact, $Y$ Hausdorff and $f:X\rar Y$ a continuous surjection. Then $Y$ is homeomorphic to $X/R$ where $x_1Rx_2$ iff $f(x_1)=f(x_2)$.
If $f:X\rar\cl\R$ l.s.c on a compact space $X$, then $f$ attains its infimum.
Obviously, the disjoint union $\coprod X_\a$, $\a\in I$, is compact if and only if $I$ is finite.
Let $X_\a$, $\a\in I$, be a family of compact spaces. Than $\prod X_\a$ is compact.
Let $X$ be a compact space and $Z(x)$ the connected component of a point $x\in X$. Then
Z(x)=\bigcap\{B\sbe X:\,x\in B, B^\circ=\cl B\}
2. If $A\sbe X$ is closed and $A\cap Z(x)=\emptyset$, then there is a closed and open (clopen) subset $B$ von $X$, such that $Z(x)\sbe B$ and $A\cap B=\emptyset$.
A compact connected manifold of dimension one is homeomorphic to $S^1$.