A topological $X$ space is said to be connected if for any pair $U,V$ of open subsets satisfying: $U\cup V=X$ and $U\cap V=\emptyset$ we have: $U=X$ or $V=X$. $X$ is said to be locally connected if every point has a basis consisting of connected neighborhoods.
$X$ is connected if and only if every continuous function $f:X\rar\{0,1\}$ is constant.
1. If $A$ is a connected subset of $X$, then $\cl A$ is connected.
2. Suppose $A,B$ are connected subsets of $X$, such that $\cl A\cap B\neq\emptyset$. Then $A\cup B$ is connected.
3. Let $Z_\a$ be connected subsets of $X$, such that $\bigcap Z_\a\neq\emptyset$. Then $\bigcup Z_\a$ is connected.
A subset $A$ of $\R$ is connected if and only if $A$ is an interval.
If $X$ is connected and $f:X\rar Y$ continuous, then $f(X)$ is connected.
In a normed space the distance of any point $x$ to a closed subset $A$ equals the distance of $x$ to the boundary $\pa A$ of $A$; we are going to show, that this property is essentially equivalent to the connectedness of the unit ball: So let's consider a metric space $X$ and a closed subset $A$ of $X$. Assume that for some point $x\in A^c$: $d_A(x) < r < d_{\pa A}(x)$. Then: $B_r(x)\cap A\neq\emptyset$ and
\emptyset=B_r(x)\cap\pa A
=B_r(x)\cap(A\sm A^\circ)
B_r(x)\cap A=B_r(x)\cap A^\circ
This precisely means that $B_r(x)=(B_r(x)\cap A^c)\cup(B_r(x)\cap A^\circ)$, i.e. $B_r(x)$ is the disjoint union of two none empty open subsets, i.e. $B_r(x)$ is not connected. Thus if every open ball $B_r(x)$ is connected, then for any closed subset $A$ of $X$ we have: $d_A=d_{\pa A}$.
A topological space $X$ is said to be path-connected, if for each pair $x,y$ of points in $X$ there exists a continuous curve $c:[0,1]\rar X$, such that $c(0)=x$ and $c(1)=y$. $X$ is said to be locally path-connected, if every point has a basis consisting of path-connected neighborhoods.
If $X$ is connected and locally path-connected, then $X$ is path-connected.
An open and connected subset of a topological space $X$ is commonly called a domain. A domain $U$ in a normed space is always path-connected. Moreover in this case any two points can be joined both by a smooth curve and a polygon.
Suppose $X_\a$, $\a\in I$ are connected spaces. Then $\prod X_\a$ is connected.
For any point $x$ in a topological space $X$ the connected component of $x$ is the union of all connected subsets of $X$ containing $x$.
Let $X$ be a separable locally connected space. Then there exists an at most countable family of pairwise disjoint connected subsets $Z_n$, which are both open and closed (so called clopen sets), such that $X=\bigcup Z_n$.
Suppose $U$ is an open subset of the reals, then $U$ is the union of a sequence of pairwise disjoint open intervals.
Let $X$ be a connected space and let $A$ be a closed subset of $X$ such that $A^\circ=\emptyset$. If for every point $x\in X$ we can find an open and connected neighborhood $V$, such that $V\sm A$ is connected, then $X\sm A$ is connected .
A metrizable, separable space $M$ is said to be a topological manifold, if every point $x\in M$ has a neighborhood homeomorphic to $\R^n$ - $n=n(x)$ may depend on $x$.
If $M$ is a connected topological manifold, then the function $x\mapsto n(x)$ must be constant - this is a consequence of the invariance of domains theorem in algebraic topology: two open subsets of $\R^n$ and $\R^m$ respectively can only be homeomorphic if $n=m$. In this case we call the uniquely defined number $n$ the dimension of the manifold - sometimes expressed by adding a superscript: $M^n$.
Let $U_k$ be an open cover of the $n$-dimensional topological manifold $M$ and $\vp_k:U_k\rar\R^n$ homeomorphisms. Then the set of pairs $(U_k,\vp_k)$ is called an atlas of $M$ and each pair $(U_k,\vp_k)$ is said to be a chart. The projective spaces $P^n(\R)$, $P^n(\C)$ and $P^n(\H)$ are topological manifolds of dimension $n$, $2n$ and $4n$ respectively.
A smooth manifold $M$ is a topological manifold equipped with an atlas $(U_k,\vp_k)$ such that the following property holds: for all $j,k$ the so called transition map $\vp_j\circ\vp_k^{-1}$ is smooth. If all the transition maps are holomorphic, $M$ is said to be a complex manifold.
Suppose $M,N$ are smooth (complex) manifolds. A smooth (holomorphic) map $F:M\rar N$ is a mapping such that for every $x\in M$ there exists a chart $(U,\vp)$ about $x$ and a chart $(V,\psi)$ about $y=F(x)$, such that the mapping $\psi\circ F\circ\vp^{-1}$ is smooth (holomorphic).