Question: Why is the reciprocal of the gamma function an entire function?
ChatGPT: The reciprocal of the gamma function, $1/\G(z)$, is an entire function because the gamma function has no zeroes in the complex plane. This means that $1/\G(z)$ can be defined for all complex numbers $z$ without any singularities or branch points. Therefore, the reciprocal of the gamma function is an entire function.
Flaws: That's trivially true. However it doesn't explain why the gamma function has no zeros.
Question: Why has the gamma function no zeros?
ChatGPT: The gamma function has no zeroes in the complex plane because its poles (which are the values of z where the function is undefined) cancel out with its zeroes (which are the values of z where the function is equal to zero). Specifically, the gamma function has simple poles at the non-positive integers (z = 0, -1, -2, ...) but also has simple zeroes at the negative integers (z = -1, -2, -3, ...). Since the poles and zeroes cancel out, the function does not have any zeroes in the complex plane and is defined for all complex numbers.
Flaws: That looks like an educated answer, but it doesn't say anything!
The answer should be something like this: Gauss' product representation of the gamma function extends the original definition of $\G(z)$ for $\Re z > 0$ to the whole complex plane $\C$. Since the reciprocal of this infinite product converges pointwise in $\C$ its limit must be an entire function by Proposition.