Similar to the $\su(2)$ case we may start with some weight $\l$ and some weight vector $x$ and apply the operators $\psi(X_j)$ and $\psi(Y_j)$ in any order to get some new weight vectors according to lemma. However, since $E$ is finite dimensional we must eventually get the null vector. Is there a way to start with some "highest" weight and work down to get all the others? Yes, this can be done, but it's not as easy as in the $\su(2)$ case: First let us single out the roots $r_1=(2,-1)$ and $r_2=(-1,2)$; it's easily checked that all the other roots are linear combination of these two: e.g. the root corresponding to the root vector $X_3$ is just the sum of $r_1$ and $r_2$.
In the picture below the weight (0,0) is higher than any weight in the blue sector!
Once a weight vector of a representation $\psi$ is known, we have to find other weights by applying the operations $\psi(Y_j)$ or $\psi(X_j)$; but at the time being we don't know if this gives us another weight vector or null. The Weyl group is some sort of a symmetry group of the weights and thus given any weight - we don't need to know a corresponding weight vector - the Weyl group gives us other weights, which, by the way, have also the same multiplicity. We start by another more geometric approach to weights: The subalgebra ${\cal H}$ generated by $H_1$ and $H_2$ is a maximal commutative subalgebra of $\sla(3,\C)$, it's called the Cartan subalgebra of $\sla(3,\C)$. The set $N$ of all $g\in\SU(3)$ that leave ${\cal H}$ invariant under the adjoint representation $\Ad$, i.e. $\Ad(g)({\cal H})\sbe{\cal H}$ - this is called the normalizer of ${\cal H}$ and it's obviously a subgroup of $\SU(3)$ (cf. section). Let us investigate this subgroup more closely: for any $g\in N$ the matrices $gH_jg^{-1}$ are in ${\cal H}$, hence they must be diagonal, i.e. the standard basis vectors $e_1,e_2,e_3$ are eigen-vectors. Since on the other hand the eigen-vectors of $gH_jg^{-1}$ are $ge_1,ge_2$ and $ge_3$, we infer that $ge_1,ge_2$ and $ge_3$ must be a permutation of the standard basis $e_1,e_2$ and $e_3$ up to factors of modulus $1$, i.e.: there are $\theta_1,\theta_2,\theta_3\in\R$ and a permutation $\pi\in S_3$ such that $$ ge_j=e^{i\theta_j}e_{\pi(j)} \quad\mbox{and}\quad \sign(\pi)e^{i\sum\theta_j}=1~. $$ Conversely, any such $g$ lies in $N$. A weight $\l$ was defined as a pair of complex numbers: the eigen-values of $\psi(H_1)$ and $\psi(H_2)$ for some common eigen-vector $x$, but in fact for every $H\in{\cal H}$ we have $H=a_1H_1+a_2H_2$ and $\l(H)\colon=a_1\l(H_1)+a_2\l(H_2)$ is the eigen-value of $H$ with eigen-vector $x$. Thus we may conveniently think of a weight as a linear functional $\l$ on the space ${\cal H}$. Moreover, endowing ${\cal H}$ with the euclidean product: $$ \la H,G\ra\colon=\tr(HG^*) $$ we know that any linear functional $\l$ can be written as $\l(H)=\la H,G\ra$ for a unique $G\in{\cal H}$. Thus we've got our new definition: a weight of a representation $\psi$ of $\sla(3,\C)$ in some finite dimensional vector-space $E$ is a vector $\l\in{\cal H}$ such that there exists some $x\in E\sm\{0\}$ such that $$ \forall H\in {\cal H}:\quad \psi(H)x=\la H,\l\ra x $$ Hence weights are particular vectors in the Cartan algebra ${\cal H}$ of $\sla(3,\C)$!
1. If $\l_1=diag\{x,y,z\}$, then $x+y+z=0$, $x-y=1$ and $y-z=0$, i.e. $y=-1/3$, $z=-1/3$ and $x=2/3$, i.e. $\l_1$ is the electric charge operator $Q$; analogously we get: $\l_2=diag\{1/3,1/3,-2/3\}$ which is the hypercharge operator $Y$. 3. $\la H_1+H_2,\l_1+\l_2\ra=1-0+0-1=0$.