If $\Psi$ is any finite dimensional unitary representation in $E$, then by proposition $\chi\colon=\tr\Psi$ is the sum of characters, moreover: $\chi(e)=\dim E$, for $\Psi(e)=1_E$ and thus $\tr 1_E=\dim E$. If $\Phi$ is equivalent to $\Psi$, then $\tr\Phi=\tr\Psi$. We will prove later (cf. corollary) that also the converse is true, i.e. two irreducible unitary representations $\Psi_1:G\rar\UU(E_1)$ and $\Psi_2:G\rar\UU(E_2)$ are equivalent iff for all $g\in G$: $\tr\Psi_1(g)=\tr\Psi_2(g)$.
If $\chi$ is a character, then so is $\bar\chi$, because $\bar\chi$ is the trace of the contragradient (or dual) representation. Finally, if $\psi$ and $\vp$ are two characters, then their pointwise product $\psi\vp$ is the trace of the tensor product of two representations; since the trace of any representation is a linear combinations of characters with non-negative integer coefficients - such animals are called compound characters, the product of any characters is a compound character.
We will see in a while that all irreducible representations of $G\times H$ are of this form (cf. e.g. exam). Hence the characters of the product of two groups $G$ and $H$ are the tensor products of the characters (remember - cf. exam - for functions $f:X\rar\C$ and $g:Y\rar\C$ we have $f\otimes g:X\times Y\rar\C$: $f\otimes g(x,y)\colon=f(x)g(y)$).
Conjugacy classes
Let $g$ be any element in the group $G$ and put $C(g)\colon=\{hgh^{-1}: h\in G\}$ - this is called the conjugacy class of $g$. We say that $g,g^\prime\in G$ are conjugate, if $g^\prime\in C(g)$.
To get a list of subgroups, with just one subgroup in the set $\{gHg^{-1}:g\in G\}$ and some additional info about these subgroups, you may execute the following commands in sage:
for Group in SubGroups:
This will give you the output:
(Subgroup generated by [()], 1, True, True, False)
(Subgroup generated by [(1,2)(3,4)], 2, False, True, True)
(Subgroup generated by [(2,4,3)], 3, False, True, True)
(Subgroup generated by [(1,2)(3,4),(1,3)(2,4)], 4, True, True, False)
(Subgroup generated by [(2,4,3),(1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)], 12, True, False, False),
Note that permutations are written as compositions of disjoint cycles, i.e. $()$ denotes the identity, $(1,2)(3,4)$ denotes the permutation $(2143)$, $(2,4,3)$ denotes the permutation $(1423)$. Quotient and product groups can also be created easily: Take the altenating group $G=A(4)$, two elements $g_1$ and $g_2$ of this group and the subgroup $H$ generated by these two elements, check if $H$ is normal and construct the quotient group $G/H$; check if $G/H$ is isomorphic to $\Z_3$; finally create the product group $\Z_3\times\Z_3$:
Now suppose we have a character $\chi\in\wh G$ some $g\in G$ and $g^\prime\in C(g)$, then
i.e. characters are constant on conjugacy classes - functions $f:G\rar\C$ with this property are called class functions (cf. proposition). We will in fact see that the number of characters, which by definition equals the number of pairwise inequivalent irreducible representations, equals the number of conjugacy classes (cf. theorem). The following is a standard result in group theory - compare Lagrange's theorem, which states that the order $|H|$ of a subgroup $H$ of a group $G$ divides the order of $G$.
For $g\in G$ put $Z(g)\colon=\{h\in G:gh=hg\}$ - the centralizer of $g$; this is indeed a subgroup of $G$. The mapping $u:G\rar C(g)$, $h\mapsto hgh^{-1}$ is by definition of $C(g)$ onto and $u(h_1)=u(h_2)$ iff $h_2^{-1}h_1gh_1^{-1}h_2=g$, i.e. iff $h_1^{-1}h_2\in Z(g)$. It follows that: $|G|=|Z(g)||C(g)|$.
To get the order of all centralizers in sage:
for g in Reps:
Proposition can be generalized in the following sense:
This can be used to determine all finite subgroup $G$ of $\SO(3)$: Remember from section that every $g\in\SO(3)$ has a rotation axis and therefore the action of $\SO(3)$ on $S^2$ fixes a pair of antipodal points of $S^2$. Let $X$ be the set of points that come out as fixed points for some $g\in G\sm\{E\}$. Then $G\cdot X\sbe X$, for if $x\in X$, $g_xx=x$ and $g\in G$, then $(gg_xg^{-1})gx=gx$, i.e. $gx$ is a fixed point of $gg_xg^{-1}\in G$ - this also shows that $S(gx)=gS(x)g^{-1}$. The essential observation is that $S(x)=S(-x)$ and for $y\neq\pm x$: $(S(x)\sm\{E\})\cap(S(y)\sm\{E\})=\emptyset$. Hence
2(|G|-1)=\sum_{x\in X}(|S(x)|-1)~.
Now for all $g\in G$: $S(gx)=gS(x)g^{-1}$ and thus $|S(gx)|=|S(x)|$; therefore the right hand side equals
\sum_{\wh x\in X/G}(|S(x)|-1)|Gx|~.
Finally by means of exam: $|S(x)|=|G|/|Gx|$ and by division by $|G|$ we obtain:
=\sum_{\wh x\in X/G}\Big(1-\frac{|Gx|}{|G|}\Big)
=\sum_{\wh x\in X/G}\Big(1-\frac{1}{|S(x)|}\Big)~.
As for the solutions to this equation cf. wikipedia. It's probably a bit more obvious to let $\SO(3)$ and thus $G$ operate on the projective space $P^2(\R)$, because the later is the space of all rotation axes and there is no double-counting.
The orbit $Gx$ of $x\in X$ contains exactly one point if and only if $x\in X_0$. Hence by the previous exam $X$ is the disjoint union of $X_0$ and orbits $Gx_1,\ldots,Gx_n$, whose cardinality is divisable by $p$.
Conjugacy classes of symmetry groups
Since every group of symmetry $G$ is a subgroup of $\OO(3)$, all elements of a conjugacy class have the same type of symmetry. The converse is not true in general: two symmetries in $G$ may have the same type (i.e. they may be conjugate in $\OO(3)$) but they need not be conjugate in $G$! Most computer algebra programs realize finite groups as subgroups of some $S(n)$ (cf. Cayley's Theorem). To get a list of representatives of all conjugacy classes of e.g. $C_{6v}$ in sage enter
for g in Reps:
This gives you representatives and the cardinalities of the conjugacy classes:
((123456), 1),&((165432), 3),&((216543), 3),\\
((234561), 2),&((345612), 2),&((456123), 1)
The characters of finite groups
Suppose we have a finite group, which has exactly $N$ conjugacy classes. Pick a complete set of representatives $g_1=e,g_2,\ldots,g_{N}$ and let $c_1=1,c_2,\ldots,c_{N}$ be the number of elements in the corresponding class, i.e. $c_j$ is the cardinality $|G(g_j)|$ of $C(g_j)$. The table of characters of $G$ will be written as a table with $N+1$ columns and $N+1$ rows: the symbol in the first row and first column is just a symbol for the group. In the remaining columns of the first row we write $1e,c_2g_2,\ldots,c_{N}g_{N}$, indicating the conjugacy class and its cardinality. In the remaining rows of the first column we place symbols for the characters, i.e. $\chi_1,\chi_1,\ldots,\chi_{N}$. Finally for $j,k\in\{1,\ldots,N\}$ we place in row $j+1$ and column $k+1$ the value $\chi_j(g_k)$ of the character $\chi_j$ an the conjugacy class $C(g_k)$:
For the time beeing we do not explain how to produce the character table of a given group, we simply fall back to computer algebra systems. It's here that I'd suggest to familiarize yourself with the relevant commands of the computer algebra system of your choice! The actual construction of characters will be explicated in section. Here we will anticipate a salient feature of this table, which is orthogonality: the columns form an orthogonal basis for $\C^N$ with the canonical complex euclidean product - cf. convolution. Also the rows form an orthonormal set in $\C^N$ with respect to a different complex euclidean product, which will be elucidated in section. However, this is not a deep result, it's just a consequence of the following
The characters of $C_{2v}$
$C_{2v}$ is isomorphic to $\Z_2^2$ and its character table is given by
The characters of $C_{3v}$
Let us return to the site representation of the ammonia molecule $\chem{NH_3}$: The irreducible representations $\Psi_1(g)\colon=\Psi(g)|[e_0]$ and $\Psi_2(g)\colon=\Psi(g)|[x_1]$ feature both the same character: the trivial character $\chi_1(g)=1$. The character $\chi_3$ of the irreducible representation $\Psi_3(g)\colon=\Psi(g)|[x_2,x_3]$ is given by $\chi_3(C_3)=-1$ and $\chi_3(\s_1)=0$. The conjugacy classes of the group $C_{3v}$ are $C(E)=\{E\}$, $C(C_3)=\{C_3,C_3^*\}$ and $C(\s_1)=\{\s_1,\s_2,\s_3\}$. A complete set of representatives is $E,C_3$ and $\s_1$ and the number of elements in the corresponding classes is $1,2$ and $3$. The table of characters looks like this:
For our site representation $\Psi$ of ammonia we have: $\tr\Psi=2\chi_1+\chi_3$. This means, that $\Psi$ is the sum of three irreducible subrepresentations; two of them are equivalent and feature the character $\chi_1$ and the character of the third is $\chi_3$ - this will be explicated in detail in section.
The characters of $T_d$
Execute in sage the subsequent lines
for g in Reps:
and you will find that $T_d$ has $5$ conjugacy classes of respective size $1,8,3,6,6$ and the table of characters is given by:
$\chi_1$ is the character of the trival representation, $\chi_2$ the character of sign representation, $\chi_5$ the character of the standard representation and $\chi_4$ is the character of the standard representation multiplied by sign, which is a character by exam.
Remark: sage (and most likely any other program) doesn't give you the types of the representatives but the permutations. Thus you have to find the types by yourself!
The characters of $O_h$
This group has $10$ conjugacy classes, representatives of which are the identity $E$, the inversion $I$, the following matrices with positive determinant:
and the following matrices with negative determinant:
The table of characters looks as follows:
\chi_1 & 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 1\\
\chi_2 & 1& 1&-1&-1& 1& 1&-1& 1& 1&-1\\
\chi_3 & 1& 1& 1& 1& 1&-1&-1&-1&-1&-1\\
\chi_4 & 1& 1&-1&-1& 1&-1& 1&-1&-1& 1\\
\chi_5 & 2&-1& 0& 0& 2& 2& 0&-1& 2& 0\\
\chi_6 & 2&-1& 0& 0& 2&-2& 0& 1&-2& 0\\
\chi_7 & 3& 0&-1& 1&-1& 3& 1& 0&-1&-1\\
\chi_8 & 3& 0& 1&-1&-1& 3&-1& 0&-1& 1\\
\chi_9 & 3& 0&-1& 1&-1&-3&-1& 0& 1& 1\\
\chi_{10}& 3& 0& 1&-1&-1&-3& 1& 0& 1&-1
$\chi_1$ is the character of the trivial representation, $\chi_3$ the character of the sign representation, $\chi_9$ the character of the standard representation and $\chi_8$ the character of the standard representation multiplied by sign, which is a character by exam. Execute the following commands in sage
for g in Reps:
and you will get representatives $(123456)$, $(123465)$, $(143265)$, $(153624)$, $(153642)$, $(214365)$, $(234165)$, $(254613)$, $(254631)$, $(341265)$ and sizes $1,3,3,6,6,6,6,8,8,1$ of conjugacy classes as well as the table of characters of $O_h$ - of course, the order of conjugacy classes and the order of characters may differ from the orders in the table above!
The characters of $A(5)$
The following list of sage commands:
for g in Reps:
gives representatives of the conjugacy classes: $E\colon=(12345)$, $A\colon=(21435)$, $B\colon=(23145)$, $C\colon=(23451)$, $D\colon=(23514)$, their sizes: $1,15,20,12,12$ and the table of characters:
\chi_1&1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_2&3 & -1 & 0 & \zeta_{5}^{3} + \zeta_{5}^{2} + 1 & -\zeta_{5}^{3} - \zeta_{5}^{2} \\
\chi_3&3 & -1 & 0 & -\zeta_{5}^{3} - \zeta_{5}^{2} & \zeta_{5}^{3} + \zeta_{5}^{2} + 1 \\
\chi_4&4 & 0 & 1 & -1 & -1 \\
\chi_5&5 & 1 & -1 & 0 & 0
where $\zeta_5\colon=e^{2\pi i/5}$. For additional character tables important in chemistry cf. wikipedia. Of course, all these groups can be handled by sage, gap, etc.
The characters of $C_{nv}$, $n\geq4$
We have $C_{nv}=\{\s^jC_n^k:j=0,1,k=0,\ldots,n-1\}$ with rotations $C_n^0=E,\ldots,C_n^{n-1}$ and reflections $\s C_n^0,\ldots,\s C_n^{n-1}$; since: $C_n^k\s=\s C_n^{n-k}$, we get the following conjugacy classes:
C(\s C_n^k)=\{\s C_n^{k-2l}:l\in\N_0\}~.
If $n$ is even, then we get $1+[n/2]+2=(n+6)/2$ conjugacy classes with $1+(2[n/2]-1)+2[n/2]=2n$ elements and if $n$ is odd we have $1+[n/2]+1=(n+3)/2$ conjugacy classes with $1+2[n/2]+n=2n$ elements. In any case we have found all conjugacy classes and a complete list of representatives thereof.
For $n=5$ the conjugacy classes are: $\{E\},\{C,C^4\},\{C^2,C^3\},\{\s,\s C^3,\s C^1,\s C^4,\s C^2\}$ and for $n=6$: $\{E\},\{C,C^5\},\{C^2,C^4\},\{C^3\},\{\s,\s C^4,\s C^2\},\{\s C^1,\s C^5,\s C^3\}$
A one-dimensional unitary representation is just a homomorphism $\chi:C_{nv}\rar S^1$, thus: $\chi(\s)=\pm1$; since $\s C_n=C_n^{-1}\s$, we must have $\chi(C_n)^2=1$, i.e. $\chi(C_n)=\pm1$. Hence there are at most $4$ one-dimensional representations; in fact if $n$ is even there are exactly $4$ - we provide the values of these homomorphisms on the conjugacy classes of the two generators $C_n$ and $\s$ only:
If $n$ is odd then only the first two extend to homomorphisms on $C_{nv}$, because $C_n^n=E$ and thus $1=\chi_3(C_n^n)=(-1)^n$. There is also a bunch of irreducible representations of dimension two: for $j\in\{0,\ldots,n-1\}$ we put
e^{2\pi ij/n}&0\\
0&e^{-2\pi ij/n}
It can be verified easily that $\Psi_j(C_n)^n=1=\Psi_j(\s)^2$ and $\Psi_j(\s)\Psi_j(C_n)=\Psi_j(C_n)^{-1}\Psi_j(\s)$ and therefore all mappings $\Psi_j$ extend to homomorphisms $\Psi_j:C_{nv}\rar\UU(2)$ and we have $\Psi_{n+j}=\Psi_j$. Putting $J\colon=\Psi_j(\s)$, we get:
&=&\Psi_j(\s C_n)=\Psi_j(C_n^{-1}\s)=\Psi_{n-j}(C_n)J\\
thus $J\Psi_j=\Psi_{n-j}J$, consequently $\Psi_j$ and $\Psi_{n-j}$ are equivalent. Since we are only interested in inequivalent representations, we may assume: $0\leq j\leq[n/2]$. For $j=0$ we have $\tr\Psi_0=\chi_1+\chi_2$, which implies as we will see that $\Psi_0$ is the sum of two irreducible representations with characters $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$, and indeed the corresponding subspaces are $\lhull{e_1-e_2}$ and $\lhull{e_1+e_2}$. Also for $n$ even we have: $\tr\Psi_{n/2}=\chi_3+\chi_4$, indicating that $\Psi_{n/2}$ is the sum of two irreducible representations with characters $\chi_3$ and $\chi_4$.
Moreover, they are pairwise inequivalent: if $\Psi_j$ and $\Psi_k$ are equivalent, i.e. if there is some $A\in\Gl(2,\C)$ such that $A\Psi_j=\Psi_kA$, then it follows that $\Psi_j(C_n)$ and $\Psi_k(C_n)$ have the same eigenvalues, i.e. $e^{2\pi ij/n}=e^{\pm2\pi ik/n}$, thus either $j+k=0\,\modul(n)$ or $j-k=0\,\modul(n)$. For even $n$ we've found $(n+6)/2$ pairwise inequivalent irreducible representations and for odd $n$ we've got $(n+3)/2$ such entities, which coincides with the number of conjugacy classes and therefor these are all pairwise inequivalent irreducible representations of $C_{nv}$. Consequently for $n$ even and $j\in\{1,\ldots,n/2-1\}$ we get the following table of characters:
\psi_j&2\cos(2\pi j/n)&0
Since $\chi_j$ are homomorphisms the value of $\chi_j$ at any element is determined by its values at the generators $C_n$ and $\s$. However, the values of the characters $\psi_j$ at any element of $C_{nv}$ must be calculated via the representations:
\psi_j(\s C_n^k)=\tr(\Psi_j(\s)\Psi_j(C_n)^k)=0,
\psi_j(C_n^k)=\tr\Psi_j(C_n)^k=2\cos(2\pi jk/n)~.
The characters of commutative groups
We will see below (cf. corollary) that every irreducible representation of a commutative group $G$ is one-dimensional and that there are exactly $|G|$ inequivalent irreducible representations, for each conjugacy class contains exactly one element. Thus the characters determine all representations and every character is a homomorphism $\chi:G\rar S^1$.
For all $y\in\Z_n^d$ the mapping $\chi_y$ is obviously a homomorphism and $\chi_y=\chi_z$ iff for all $x\in\Z_n^d$: $\la x,y-z\ra=0$ in $\Z_n$ but this only holds iff $y$ and $z$ coincide. Hence we've got $|\Z_n^d|$ pairwise distinct homomorphisms $\chi_y:\Z_n^d\rar S^1$, i.e. all characters of $\Z_n^d$. Therefore we can identify the dual of $\Z_n^d$ with $\Z_n^d$, i.e. $\Z_n^d$ is self-dual. Since any finite commutative group $G$ is isomorphic to a direct product of cyclic groups (cf. wikipedia) and the characters of a product group is the tensor product of the characters, all characters of $G$ can be computed!
The characters of $S(n)$
By Cayley's Theorem every group of order $n$ is isomorphic to some subgroup of $S(n)$. Thus it's of interest to know all characters of $S(n)$, which are not at all easy to find. We will just determine the number of characters, i.e. the number of conjugacy classes: Every permutation $\pi\in S(n)$ is composition of pairwise disjoint cycles (cf. wikipedia) - since the cycles are disjoint, they commute. So let us first compute the conjugacy class of a cycle $\t=(n_1,\ldots,n_k)$ of length $k\geq2$, i.e. the permutation $n_1\mapsto n_2\mapsto\cdots\mapsto n_{k-1}\mapsto n_k\mapsto n_1$ - cycles of length $2$ are called transpositions. Since $\pi\t\pi^{-1}(\pi(n_j))=\pi(\t(n_j))=\pi(n_{j+1})$, it follows that $\pi\t\pi^{-1}$ is the cycle $(\pi(n_1),\ldots,\pi(n_k))$.
By a partition of $n$ we understand a representation $n=l_1+l_2+\cdots+l_m$ as sum of natural numbers $l_1,\ldots,l_m$ such that $l_1\geq l_2\geq\cdots\geq l_m$ for some $m\in\{1,\ldots,n\}$. If $\pi=\t_1\cdots\t_k$ is a composition of $\pi$ into disjoint cycles of lengths $l_1\geq\cdots\geq l_m$, then the sum $L\colon=l_1+\cdots+l_m$ is usually smaller than $n$ - the difference $n-L$ is just the number of fixed points; put $l_{m+1}=\ldots=l_{m+n-L}=1$. This way we get for every permutation a partition $l_1,\ldots,l_k$ of $n$. For example the partition associated with a transposition is $2,1,\ldots,1$ and the partition associated with a single cycle of lenght $l$: $l,1,\ldots,1$.
If $\pi,\s$ induce the same partition $(l_1,\ldots,l_k)$, then
where $\t_j=(n_{j1},\ldots,n_{jl_j})$ and $\r_j=(m_{j1},\ldots,m_{jl_j})$. Put $\a(n_{ji})\colon=m_{ji}$, then it follows that: $\a\t_j\a^{-1}=\r_j$ and therefore:
If $\pi=\t_1\cdots\t_k$ and $\s=\a\pi\a^{-1}$, then $\s=\a\t_1\a^{-1}\cdots\a\t_k\a^{-1}$ and hence $\pi$ and $\s$ induce the same partition.
Thus we can identify the set of conjugacy classes of $S(n)$ with the set of partitions of $n$.
As for the characters of $S(n)$ cf. e.g. Murnaghan-Nakayama Rule or Frobenius Method.
Some examples in sage
To get the character table of e.g. $C_{6v}$ in sage enter
for g in Reps:
This gives you the following representatives: $E=(123456)$, $A=(165432)$, $B=(216543)$, $C=(234561)$, $D=(345612)$, $F=(456123)$ of size $1,3,3,2,2,1$ and the character table:
\chi_1&1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_2&1 & -1 & -1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_3&1 & -1 & 1 & -1 & 1 & -1 \\
\chi_4&1 & 1 & -1 & -1 & 1 & -1 \\
\chi_5&2 & 0 & 0 & 1 & -1 & -2 \\
\chi_6&2 & 0 & 0 & -1 & -1 & 2
For $C_{5v}$ we get the representatives: $E=(12345)$, $A=(15432)$, $B=(23451)$, $C=(34512)$ of size $1,5,2,1$ and the character table:
\chi_1&1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_2&1 & -1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_3&2 & 0 & \zeta_{5}^{3} + \zeta_{5}^{2} & -\zeta_{5}^{3} - \zeta_{5}^{2} - 1 \\
\chi_4&2 & 0 & -\zeta_{5}^{3} - \zeta_{5}^{2} - 1 & \zeta_{5}^{3} + \zeta_{5}^{2}
where $\zeta_5\colon=e^{2\pi i/5}$. Alternatively you may use in sage the gap interface; for the subgroup $G$ of $S(4)$ generated by $(1,2)(3,4)$ and $(1,2,3)$:
The linear group $\Gl(2,\Z_3)$ of the vector-space $\Z_3^2$, which has order $48$ and
for g in Reps:
gives you $8$ conjugacy classes, representatives thereof are:
sizes: $1,8,1,8,6,6,6,12$ and the character table:
\chi_1&1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_2&1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & -1 & -1 & -1 \\
\chi_3&2 & -1 & 2 & -1 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
\chi_4&2 & 1 & -2 & -1 & 0 & -\zeta_{8}^{3} - \zeta_{8} & \zeta_{8}^{3} + \zeta_{8} & 0 \\
\chi_5&2 & 1 & -2 & -1 & 0 & \zeta_{8}^{3} + \zeta_{8} & -\zeta_{8}^{3} - \zeta_{8} & 0 \\
\chi_6&3 & 0 & 3 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 1 & -1 \\
\chi_7&3 & 0 & 3 & 0 & -1 & -1 & -1 & 1 \\
\chi_8&4 & -1 & -4 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0
where $\zeta_8\colon=e^{2\pi i/8}$. Here is another alternative: 'chi.adams_operation(k).values()' gives you the value of the character $\chi$ at the group element $g^k$, where $g$ runs through a complete set of representatives of the conjugacy classes:
for chi in Chars:
Here are some other examples of matrix groups: A subgroup of $\Gl(2,\Z_5)$ generated by two matrices:
Gen=[matrix(F,2,[1,2,4,1]), matrix(F,2,[1,1,0,1])]
for chi in Chars:
The groups $\Sp(4,\Z_3)$, $\SO(3,\Z_2)$, $\Sl(2,\Z_5)$ and a subgroup of $S(6)$ with two generators and certain elements:
for g in H:
gh=g*h; gh
Beware, in sage $g*h$ is the permutation $h\circ g$!
Suppose $\chi$ is a character of a subgroup $H$ of $G$. In general $\chi$ is not the restriction of a character of $G$. However we can construct a compound character of $G$: we first expand $\chi:G\rar\C$ by putting $\chi|H^c=0$ and then define $\chi^G:G\rar\C$ by
\colon=\frac1{|H|}\sum_{x\in G}\chi(xgx^{-1})~.
Of course, $\chi^G$ is a class function (cf. e.g. exam) and we will actually see that it's a compound character of $G$. But first of all we'd like to indicate that $\chi$ is in general not the restriction of $\chi^G$ to $H$: take e.g. the trivial character $\chi=1$, then
\chi^G(g)=\frac{|\{x\in G:xgx^{-1}\in H\}|}{|H|}~.
The mapping $u:G\rar C(g)$, $x\mapsto xgx^{-1}$, is by definition of $C(g)$ onto and $u(x)=u(y)$ iff $y^{-1}xgx^{-1}y=g$, i.e. iff $x^{-1}y\in Z(g)$. It follows that for any subset $A$ of $G$:
|\{x\in G:xgx^{-1}\in A\}|
=|A\cap C(g)||Z(g)|
=|A\cap C(g)||G|/|C(g)|
Therefore we conclude
\chi^G(g)=\frac{|G||H\cap C(g)|}{|H||C(g)|}
which need not be constant on $H$. However, the following result shows amongst others that it's for all $g\in G$ a non-negative integer.
For all $x\in H$: $\chi(xgx^{-1})=\chi(g)$. Indeed, for $g\in H$ the elements $xgx^{-1}$ and $g$ are conjugate in $H$ and since $\chi$ is a class function on $H$: $\chi(xgx^{-1})=\chi(g)$. If $g\notin H$, then $xgx^{-1}\notin H$ and thus both sides vanish.
1. Now suppose $y\in Hx$, then $\chi(ygy^{-1})=\chi(hxgx^{-1}h^{-1})=\chi(xgx^{-1})$ and therefore the function $y\mapsto\chi(ygy^{-1})$ is constant on cosets $Hx$, i.e.:
\frac1{|H|}\sum_{x\in G}\chi(xgx^{-1})
2. By definition of the euclidean product we get for every character $\psi$ of $G$:
&=&\frac1{|G|}\sum_{g\in G}\chi^G(g)\cl{\psi(g)}\\
&=&\frac1{|G||H|}\sum_{x\in G}\sum_{g\in G}\chi(xgx^{-1})\cl{\psi(g)}
=\frac1{|G||H|}\sum_{x\in G}\sum_{g\in G}\chi(g)\cl{\psi(x^{-1}gx)}\\
&=&\frac1{|G||H|}\sum_{g,x\in G}\chi(g)\cl{\psi(g)}
=\frac1{|H|}\sum_{g\in G}\chi(g)\cl{\psi(g)}\\
&=&\frac1{|H|}\sum_{g\in H}\chi(g)\cl{\psi(g)}
3. It remains to show that $\chi^G$ is a compound character of $G$. Since $\chi^G$ is a class function, $\chi^G$ is a linear combination of characters by theorem and we are left to prove that for all characters $\psi$ of $G$: $\la\chi^G,\psi\ra_{L_2(G)}\in\N_0$. Now, by 2. we have:
which is a non-negative integer by \eqref{goteq3}, because the restriction of $\psi$ to $H$ is a compound character of $H$.
The above construction isn't specific to characters, it can be done for an arbitrary class function $\chi$ of $H$ and thus it gives rise to a linear map
I:Z(H)\rar Z(G),\quad\chi\mapsto\chi^G~.
This map also satisfies the relation $\la I(\chi),\psi\ra_{L_2(G)}=\la\chi,\psi\ra_{L_2(H)}$, which merely says that its adjoint $I^*$ is the restriction $R:Z(G)\rar Z(H)$, $\psi\mapsto\psi|H$. Or conversely, the map $I$ is the adjoint of $R$. Thus we could have started as well with the problem of finding the adjoint of the more natural restriction map $R:Z(G)\rar Z(H)$. $I$ is not necesserily injective, because the restriction map $R:Z(G)\rar Z(H)$ may not be onto.
Theorem is particularly useful if $G$ has a big commutative subgroup $H$, because these subgroups have lots of characters and all of them are homomorphisms $G\rar S^1$. Take e.g. the dihedral group $G=C_{nv}$ and the cyclic subgroup $H=\Z_n$. There are two right cosets with representatives $E$ and $\s$, i.e. $\chi^G(g)=\chi(g)+\chi(\s g\s)$:
For $\chi(C_n^j)=e^{2\pi ikj/n}$ we get: $\chi^G(\s)=0$ and $\chi^G(C_n)=2\cos(2\pi k/n)$. This is actually a character of $C_{nv}$ of a two dimensional irreducible representation, because
As $S(2)$ is commutative of order $2$ we get the following table of characters:
$S(3)$ has three classes $C_1=\{(123)\}$, $C_2=\{(231),(312)\}$, $C_3=\{(213),(132),(321)\}$ and $|C_1|=1$, $|C_2|=2$, $|C_3|=3$. We already know two characters: the trivial character $\psi_1=1$ and $\psi_2=\sign$, so we have:
We identify $S(2)$ with the subgroup $H=\{(123),(213)\}$ of $S(3)$ and employ \eqref{subeq1} to get an induced character of $S(3)$: $|H\cap C_1|=1$, $|H\cap C_2|=0$ and $|H\cap C_3|=1$. For $\chi_1$ we get that $\chi_1^G((123))=3$, $\chi_1^G((231))=0$ and $\chi_1^G((213))=1$ is an induced character, i.e. for some $m_1,m_2,m_3\in\N_0$: $m_1\psi_1+m_2\psi_2+m_3\psi_3=\chi_1^G$, where $m_1=\la\chi_1^G,\psi_1\ra=(3+0+3)/6=1$ and $m_2=\la\chi_1^G,\psi_2\ra=(3+0-3)/6=0$. Thus we are left with $m_3\psi_3=\chi_1^G-\psi_1$, which gives us three equations:
and only one solution: $z=0$, $m_3=1$, $y=-1$ and $x=2$.
We consider $O_h$ as a subgroup of $S(6)$ and the subgroup of reflections about the coordinate planes is $H$. In sage this can be done as follows: To get the elements of $H$ enter
for g in H:
with eight elements of $H$:
A complete list of representatives for the right cosets can be obtained from:
Cosets=Oh.cosets(H, side='right')
for c in Cosets:
which produces the output:
Now let's take the trivial character $\chi=1$ of $H$, then by \eqref{subeq1}
\chi^G(g)=\frac{|G||H\cap C(g)|}{|H||C(g)|}=\frac{6|H\cap C(g)|}{|C(g)|}
and we are essentially left with the computation of the cardinality of $H\cap C(g)$:
for g in Reps:
hsg=set(cg) & set(H)
This gives the induced character $\chi^G$: it's $6$ times the indicator function of the union of the following conjugacy classes
C(())\cup C((5,6))\cup C((2,4)(5,6))\cup C((1,3)(2,4)(5,6))
=C(E)\cup C(\s_1)\cup C(C_4^2)\cup C(I)~.
Since $\Vert\chi^G\Vert_{L_2(O_h)}=\sqrt6$ it's either the sum of $6$ characters or the sum of $3$ characters one with multiplicity $2$.
Of course sage has some built-in functions to produce induced characters:
for chi in H.irreducible_characters():
The output exhibits the values of the induced characters on the 10 conjugacy classes. It will give us essentially four induced characters; the norm of the first two is $\sqrt6$ and the remaining two have norm $\sqrt2$. If you start with an arbitrary class function of $H$ just execute
chi=ClassFunction(H, [-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0])
If $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, then a representation $\Psi:G\rar\UU(E)$ of $G$ descends to a representation of $G/H$ iff for all $h\in H$: $\Psi(h)=1_E$. On the other hand any representation $\wh\Psi$ of $G/H$ extends to a representation $\Psi$ of $G$: simply define $\Psi(g)\colon=\wh\Psi(\pi(g))$, where $\pi$ is the quotient map. This way the irreducible representations of the quotient $G/H$ can be identified with the subset $H^\perp$ of $\wh G$ defined by
H^\perp\colon=\{\Psi\in\wh G:\forall h\in H:\quad\Psi(h)=1\}~.
The characters of $G$ can be determined provided $G$ has plenty of normal subgroups and the characters of the quotiens are known. A prominet example thereof is the quaternion group, cf. subsection.
Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem
Given a representation $\Psi$ of $H$ with character $\chi$, can we produce a representation $\Psi^G$ of $G$ with $\tr\Psi^G=\chi^G$? Remember the induced representation of $\Psi:H\rar\Gl(E)$, defined in subsection: it's a representation of $G$ in the vector-space
E^G=\{f:G\rar E:\forall h\in H\,\forall x\in G: f(hx)=\Psi(h)(f(x))\}
given by
\forall g,x\in G:\quad
Remember, if $\vp\in\Hom_G(\Phi,\Psi^G)$ and $\psi\in\Hom_H(\Phi,\Psi)$, then we have:
1. Suppose $\vp\in\Hom_G(\Phi,\Psi^G)$, we must prove that $\psi\in\Hom_H(\Phi,\Psi)$:
i.e. $\psi\in\Hom_H(\Phi,\Psi)$.
2. Conversely, suppose $\psi\in\Hom_H(\Phi,\Psi)$, then we have to prove that $\vp\in\Hom_G(\Phi,\Psi^G)$:
i.e. $\vp\in\Hom_G(\Phi,\Psi^G)$.
3. These maps are inverse of each other: suppose $\vp$ is given; putting $\psi(y)=\vp(y)(e)$, we get by the definition of $\Psi^G$:
and analogously: given $\psi$ and putting $\vp(y)(g)\colon=\psi(\Phi(g)y)$ it follows that $\vp(y)(e)=\psi(\Phi(g)y)=\psi(y)$.
Put $\wt\chi(g)\colon=\tr\Psi^G(g)$ and suppose $\Phi:G\rar\UU(F)$ is irreducible with character $\r$, then by corollary, theorem and theorem we conclude:
Since the characters of $G$ form a basis of $Z(G)$ and both $\wt\chi$ and $\chi^G$ are in $Z(G)$, it follows that $\wt\chi=\chi^G$.
We just have to compute $\Psi^G(g)f_j(x)=f_j(xg)$. For any $g\in G$ the cosets $Hx_1g,\ldots,Hx_mg$ are just a permutation $Hx_{\pi(1)},\ldots,Hx_{\pi(m)}$ of the cosets $Hx_1,\ldots,Hx_m$ and thus $\Psi^G(g)$ maps the basis $f_j$ onto the basis $f_{\pi(j)}$.
Abelianization and abelian subgroups
How many one-dimensional inequivalent representations of a finite group $G$ do exist? If $f:G\rar S^1$ is a homomorphism, then for all $x,y\in G$: $f(x^{-1}y^{-1}xy)=1$. Thus the commutator subgroup $[G,G]$ generated by all its commutators $[x,y]\colon=x^{-1}y^{-1}xy$ must be in the kernel of $f$.
$[G,G]$ is normal and the quotient $G/[G,G]$ is commutative - it's called the abelianization of $G$, for $xy=yx[x,y]$ and thus $yx$ and $xy$ are in the same class. Moreover, by the above considerations every homomorphism $f:G\rar H$ in a commutative group $H$ descends to a unique homomorphism $\wh f:G/[G,G]\rar H$ such that $f=\wh f\circ\pi$, where $\pi:G\rar[G,G]$ is the quotient map. Thus there are exactly $|G/[G,G]|$ mutually inequivalent one-dimensional representations.
In sage this can be done as follows:
for i in range(n):
This will realize $Q$ as a subgroup of $S(8)$, it will exhibit the Cayley table of $Q$ with elements $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h$ (neutral element: $a$) and what permutations these elements stand for. It will tell you that the commutator subgroup $[Q,Q]$ is $\{a,c\}$ and that $Q/[Q,Q]$ is isomorphic to $\Z_2\times\Z_2$. Thus $Q$ has exactly four one-dimensional irreducible representations. Since the characters of $\Z_2^2$ are known, we can construct all four homomorphisms $\chi_j:Q\rar S^1$. The left cosets are: $\{a,c\}$, $\{b,d\}$, $\{e,g\}$, $\{f,h\}$, and the homomorphisms $\chi_j:Q\rar S^1$ are therefore given by
To get representatives and sizes of the conjugacy classes enter:
for g in Reps:
Now we can set up the table of homomorphisms $\chi_j:Q\rar S^1$:
The dimension of the fifth character must be $2$ (since $4+2^2=8$) and by orthogonality of the columns we conclude: $\chi_5(d)=0$, $\chi_5(c)=-2$, $\chi_5(e)=0$ and $\chi_5(f)=0$.
For the following examples you are strongly advised to use a computer algebra system!
The Laplacian $\D_R:L_2(G)\rar L_2(G)$ of $(G,R)$ is defined by
\colon=-\sum_{z\in Ry}(f(z)-f(y))
=-\sum_{x\in R}\nabla_xf(y)
where for all $x\in R$ and all $y\in G$: $\nabla_xf(y)\colon=f(xy)-f(y)$.
It is easily checked that $\D_R=|R|-|G|A_R$ or
\D_Rf(x)=|R|f(x)-\sum_{y\in G}a(x,y)f(y)
where $(a(x,y))$ is the adjacency matrix. It follows that $\D_R$ is self-adjoint and all its eigen-values lie in the interval $[0,2|R|]$, i.e. $\D_R$ is a positive definite operator. The linear differential equation $u^\prime(t)=-\D_Ru(t)$ for $u:\R_0^+\rar L_2(G)$ is called the heat equation for the Cayley graph $(G,R)$; given $u(0)=f\in L_2(G)$, the unique solution is $u(t)=e^{-t\D_R}f$.