$x\mapsto x^\flat$ is an isomorphism from $E$ onto $E^*$ if and only if $B$ is non-singular.
Indeed, $x^\flat=0$ implies for all $y\in E$: $B(x,y)=0$; since $B$ is non-singular we infer that: $x=0$, i.e. $x\mapsto x^\flat$ one-one and since both $E$ and $E^*$ have the same dimension $x\mapsto x^\flat$ is an isomorphism. Conversely if $x\mapsto x^\flat$ is an isomorphism, then $B$ is non-singular, for suppose $B(x,y)=0$ for all $y\in E$, then $x^\flat(y)=0$ for all $y\in E$, i.e. $x^\flat=0$ and thus $x=0$. $\proof$ 1. If $B$ is symmetric, then $(a_{jk})$ is obviously symmetric. Conversely the symmetry of $(a_{jk})$ implies by bi-linearity of $B$ that for all $x,y\in E$: $B(x,y)=B(y,x)$.Convention: Whenever $(a_{jk})$ is an invertible matrix we denote its inverse by $(a^{jk})$.
By \eqref{ipseq5} we have by symmetry of $(g^{jk})$: $$ \tr u =\sum_je_j^*(u(e_j)) =\sum_j\la e_j^{*\sharp},u(e_j)\ra =\sum_{j,k}\la g^{kj}e_k,u(e_j)\ra =\sum_{j,k}g^{jk}\la u(e_j),e_k\ra~. $$ Usually the relation \eqref{ipseq6} is computationally a bit laborious:The existance of coordinates such that the corresponding coordinate fields form an orthonormal basis at each point essentially characterizes these spaces: the Euclidean space and the Minkowski space; the first is the space of classical physics and the latter is the spacetime of special relativity.
The length of a piecewise smooth curve $c:[0,1]\rar M$ in a local Riemannian manifold $(M,\la.,.\ra)$ is defined by $$ L(c)\colon=\int_0^1\sqrt{\la c^\prime(s),c^\prime(s)\ra_{c(s)}}\,ds $$ In classical physics the length of a curve is of minor importance, it's just a number among others. That's completely different in relativity: suppose $c:[0,1]\rar M$ is a piecewise smooth curve in a local Lorentz manifold $(M,\la.,.\ra)$ such that for all $s$: $\la c^\prime(s),c^\prime(s)\ra < 0$ - physicists will say it's a world line, then $$ T(c)\colon=\int_0^1\sqrt{-\la c^\prime(s),c^\prime(s)\ra_{c(s)}}\,ds $$ is called the proper time of the curve - usually we will drop the subscript $c(s)$ in $\la c^\prime(s),c^\prime(s)\ra_{c(s)}$! We have $c^\prime(s)=E_{c(s)}^0-R\o\sin(\o s)E_{c(s)}^1+R\o\cos(\o s)E_{c(s)}^2$ and thus $$ -\la c^\prime(s),c^\prime(s)\ra =1-R^2\o^2\sin^2(\o s)-R^2\o^2\cos^2(\o s) =1-R^2\o^2~. $$ A world line $c:[0,T]\rar M$ is said to be an observer - sometimes called a material particle - if $$ \forall s\in(0,T):\quad \la c^\prime(s),c^\prime(s)\ra=-1 $$ This holds if and only if for all $\t\in[0,T]$ the proper time of the curve $c:[0,\t]\rar M$ equals $\t$, i.e. $c$ is parametrized by it's proper time! In exam the curve $$ \t\mapsto(\t\b,R\cos(\o\t\b),R\sin(\o\t\b)) \quad\mbox{where}\quad \b\colon=1/\sqrt{1-R^2\o^2} $$ is an observer in three dimensional Minkowski space $M$. We will say that it's an observer moving with constant speed $R\o$ (or constant angular velocity $\o$) on a circle of radius $R$. Beware, on a local Lorentz manifold there is no notion of distance, cf. exam. Hence, strictly speaking, a circle of radius $R$ is not defined. The time measured by this observer for a full rotation is $T\colon=2\pi\sqrt{1-R^2\o^2}/\o$ - i.e. The time elapsed for this observer from event $c(0)=(0,R,0)$ through event $c(T)=(2\pi/\o,R,0)$ is $T$. In general it needs some reparametrization to turn a world line into an observer. In the following chapter we will see (cf. exam) that the world line of the previous example describes an observer accelerating constantly in a fixed direction.All these mappings are isometries of Lorentz spaces.
If you like to identify all tangent vectors $\sum v_jE_x^j\in T_xM$, $x\in M$, by means of these mappings with the vector $v\colon=(v_0,\ldots,v_n)$ in the vector space $\R_1^{n+1}$, you get the picture you are probably familiar with! For instance, the 'length' of a curve $c(t)=(c_0(t),\ldots,c_n(t))$ in the vector space $\R_1^{n+1}$ is simply defined by $\int\norm{c^\prime(t)}\,dt$, where $c^\prime(t)=(c_0^\prime(t),\ldots,c_n^\prime(t))$ is again a vector in $\R_1^{n+1}$. We'd get the same formula by just identifying in e.g. exam the tangent vector $c^\prime(t)=\sum c_j^\prime(t)E_{c(t)}^j$ with the vector $(c_0^\prime(t),\ldots,c_n^\prime(t))$ in the vector space $\R_1^{n+1}$. However, these identifications only work for Euclidean spaces and Minkowski spaces and usually do not work for any other Riemannian or Lorentz manifold!